A pickin'...

Sorry this post is coming to you guys late. I had two interviews for serving gigs at a couple of sports bars downtown. While I would be grateful to get any one of them, I'm really crossing my fingers for Sports Column. The servers get to wear whatever they want, jeans, tee shirt, flats. The other place is only a block over but pretty different. It turns into a night club at night and the servers have to wear black slacks (I think I'm allergic to those) and black closed toed shoes (allergic to those too.) Honestly, it helps all parties involved if I can show my curves a little. Wink, wink.

I went thrifting on President's Day and shopped today for supplies for projects to work on over the weekend.


 I have A LOT of left over candles (like I'm sure lots of women do) so I got this beauty for $1. You boil water in the bottom portion and add your shaved down candle remains in the top. It basically melts the wax down so you can reuse it in new containers. I have my eye on old mason jars.
 Here's a picture of one set but I actually have four total. I picked these up on Monday too. They are simple white, blue, grey flower print tea plates and the bottom salad plate is clear glass with silver leaf on the bottom. It looks like the silver is getting old and starting to peel so it reminds me when an old mirror starts to faded from behind. I bought an enamel paint pen and I'm going to try to create my own design on the tea plates. Wish me luck!
Ever since I saw this mirror on Smile and Wave, I've been a little green monster. Why couldn't that have been me that found that glorious thing!!! (tear). Lol...I'm so dramatic.

 Anyway, I dig the idea of a layered mirror so I bought a couple baggies of little mirrors today at Michael's and have a project planned that will hopefully get me the same design aesthetic. Fingers crossed.

I went with a friend shopping on Monday and while I found my things he found an AMAZING Banana Republic suit jacket. NEVER been worn. No snags in the stitching and the inside lining is still crisp to perfection. Price tag????!!! $10. THIS IS WHY I LOVE THRIFTING. It's like God/Jesus/The Universe/Karma, whatever you want to call it, put that little treasure on the shelf just for you to find. I'm literally in hog heaven whenever I'm thrifting. Although I did realize, when I have my own thrift store, I can't keep ALLLLLL the items I like. Letting go may be a little hard. I have anxiety about that.
