#1.Jalapeno Poppers via Mucho Mucho Bueno Bueno
Like I said, anything with cream cheese is a God send.
Like I said, anything with cream cheese is a God send.
#2. Random Frames via April Two Sixty
Too cute.
Too cute.
3. Hex Bracelet DIY via Honestly...WTF
Going to the store right now. Like right now. JE MEURS!!!!!
4.Skirts via Look Linger Love
I am a sucker for skirts and dresses. Hello SUMMER!
5. Ultra Feminine Decor via Parlour
I just finished my room but this may call for a re-do. No seriously.
I've decided to do an interactive post for Wednesdays. If you have a blog and want to show your "Je Meurs: My 5 Favorite Things", fill out the information below and leave a link to your blog or site. I'm soooo excited to see your lists!