The Boutique

Hey hey. It was a late start for me today so my morning schedule has been a bit off. And by a late start I mean I stayed in bed and rented Due Date OnDemand. I just got up, showered (does anyone else's dog lick their legs when they get out the shower? Just me? That's what I thought) and ate breakfast. If you can call it that since it's technically the afternoon.

Today is my first post about my journey toward owning my own store front, thrift store/boutique. I've been an entrepreneur before and have had lots of small business ventures (event planning, fashion shows, photo editing, child educational kits, and many more). To say they have failed would feel pretty harsh so I'll say their potential faded away, or something like that. Since I felt like a caged bird when I worked in corporate America, I'm at a point in my life where it's do or die. I've simplified my life, I've moved back home and it's time to pursue the things I really want out of life or head back to the salt mines.

When I would dream about my ideal life, it consisted of waking up, leisurely making breakfast, and opening the windows of my house to let the fresh air in before I went to work in my home studio. What I was doing in my studio had always been a little foggy, but being my own business was consistent. Through my Google Reader and the Indie, interior blogging community, I have been able to lock in on exactly what I want to do and the kind of success I'm able to produce.

So here I am. At a crossroad. What to do now? The best piece of advice I've ever heard came from the OWN network, on a show called Master Class with the great Lorne Michael of SNL. He said....

"Trust your process..."

Simple. Trust MY process. Yes, do your research, see how others did it, but at the end of the day trust how you do it. So, that's exactly what I'm going to do. I've learned through trial and error that I don't need to go from dream to reality in 60 seconds but I've also learned that if I take too much time to make moves, I get bored and move on to a new idea.

Here's the process I've create thus far...

1. Open an Esty store for my housewares and accessories.

Which will help to learn how to work with an inventory, market it, accounting the money earned and create a fan base around my products.

2. Continue to collect, revamp and sell furniture on Craigslist and branch out to other artisan boutiques

Connecting with people under the name Unknown Boutique should establish a community and following in the Denver metro area but also include the points under the Etsy shop.

3. Volunteer, intern, work at a thrift store.

First hand experience to get to know the business side of having a store front, retail space and the customers it will provide.


Once I get into a routine, I'll be able to tell which items are more popular and if my price points are profitable. Hopefully by then I would have also met some more indie business owners and we could open a satellite store for the busy months of the summer or pop up stores like the underground sneaker community has.

Honestly, I just want to enjoy this time and not rush anything. It should be a fun ride and I'm looking forward to sharing my experiences and success on the blog!
