You guys are going to hear a lot about my Aunt Kay so hopefully I haven't beat the dead horse already. Sunday morning, after a great night with my cousins, her and I decided to go to the dog track. Now, what would two women be doing at the dog track, on a Sunday, at 10 am? Gambling on horses of course!
My Aunt is such a Dame. She's been quoted saying, "I don't know what water tastes like...I only drink beer." Lol. She'll be 90 this year and I love it! I have 2 bestfriends but I spend a lot of time with guys. My dad and my uncles, my male cousins, I just live in a more masculine world. I like being the girl among, liquor shots, cigars and sports. I wouldn't change it for anything.
Which is why I like hangin with Aunt Kay, she is also a female that lives a man's life. We were the only two women at the dog track and were as comfortable as could be.
Here was the station where we relaxed most of the day. There were televisions all around but for the more recluse gambler, there were cubbies with individual T.Vs for privacy. (notice my empty Redbull can, still not used to being up so early). They sell these booklets that have all the races and competitors of the day, with names like Heart Hoof Heat and A Gambler's Friend.

Here are some of the men around their stations....
The machines to enter your bet...
I am NOT a gambler. Even in Vegas. I lose $2.00 and all I can think about is the little treasures I could have bought with it. Paying money in hopes of earning more is wasted on me. It wasn't a very winning day all around but I'm comfortable in telling you I lost a WHOLE $8.00 and that my gambling needs were met for the rest of the year. Forget play big, win big...
My aunt is the chickadee on the left with the red leather jacket...
They don't race dogs at the Mile High Races and Entertaining building like they used to, but here's an old pic of the place in it's hay day.
How was your weekend?