If you're a person like me, who gets a timeline in their mind and likes to debut all things at once, you know how I'm feeling right now. A little beaten and a tad bit discouraged with, "Bah humbug...." hanging off my tongue. So, I have two decisions to make. Post the items I have done and wait out the snow, or keep a lid on it all (which I'm too excited to do) and debut the store when everything is perfect and ready to go. Did I mention I work for four days straight starting Thursday? My time is about to get limited, and my Libra scales are all out of balance. It's either get it done now or wait til next week.
You'll hear me say this time and time again but, I've learn with past ventures that I don't need to rush things. I'm also starting to learn that even though it's within my creative process to put an time limit on goals, it's like a double edged sword. On one hand it keeps me focused and driven, but on the other, I end up completing things in hast or get discouraged when I have to alter the timeline.
With that said, here's what I'm going to do....
I'm not going to launch the store today, I'm going to fight through these feelings (something I've never done before) and I'm going to continue to pursue and work on the things I can control until this awful weather subsides. Trust my process, trust my process.....
I'm also going to post teaser pictures, so hopefully you guys will be excited enough to check the store out when it's all up. Okay yeah, I feel good about that. Not great, but good....
p.s. Loooooooook who got a new camera! Egh?! The pics look good right?!
I picked this beauty up on Friday and had a lot of fun getting used to it over the weekend. The images might still be a little blurry, especially if you click to enlarge them, but I'm working on it. I'm so very thankful I found it on Craigslist and the guy, who's dad is a camera enthusiast, kept it in amazing condition. Plus it came with the carrying bag, shoulder strap, USB cord and memory card, all for $125. Yay!
Alright Lovies...enjoy your day!