Today's Fill Me In inspired me to do a post about my best friends, China and Kate. I guess I should mention that China is black (Ebony) and Kate is white (Ivory). Whew, I didn't think far when I chose those nicknames, did I?
Like I've said before, I hang around men most of the time, but have been very envious of women who have lots of close girl friends. You know, the comrodery that comes with it. I have female friends I guess, I just don't talk to them often. My two best friends are chicks and have been for a long time. China and I met when she moved into my neighborhood when we were kids, I was in 4th grade, she was in 5th. Our birthdays are a month apart and, from what people always say, we look like twins.
China (left), me (right).
Kate and I met back in 2005 when I had just moved back from college. We both worked for a Before and After Program at an elementary school and would pair up with our favorite kids to play dodgeball. I don't remember the specific moment we become close but I know it didn't take us long to realize we were cut from the same cloth. She was the younger sister of a guy I knew in high school, so it was easy for us to be the only girls among a bunch of guys because we knew a lot of the same people.
Me (left), Kate (right)
My grammar is about to get sketchy, but I wrote this straight from the heart so bear with me...
China/Ebony knows my past (every detail) and Kate/Ivory knows my present (every detail). Ebony knows who I am because she's been with me through past turmoils and Ivory knows who I want to be because she's on these journeys with me now. Ebony is exactly like me because of our vanity (people ask us if we're sisters all the time), our humor (we have 15 years worth of one "Killa Keith") and personal preferences (men, fashion, music). Ivory is like me because things easily roll off her back, we turn into Dence the Menace whenever we're around each other and her views on life, love and relationships are identical to mine . Ebony is a Virgo and Ivory is a Libra (like me). Ebony keeps me grounded and Ivory keeps me light hearted. Ebony asks why, Ivory asks why not? Ebony has 1 teeny, tiny tattoo, Ivory has as many as I do. If we were Sex and the City characters, I'd be Carrie, Ivory would be Samantha and Ebony would be Charlotte (no woman, in the history of women, want to Miranda....blah)
Out of our 15 year friendship, China and I have spent a total of 4 years not speaking to each other. We don't have a tolerance for the other's attitude. I'm a wild child and she's particular. Since we know each other better then we know ourselves, we know exactly what to say to break the other's spirit. We've been in 3 nasty fights, but have always come out of them. China is now a mom to a beautiful one year old daughter, Cai ( I call her Bug) and it's so crazy to see her in that role. It makes me laugh when I think about the past and how we would play our favorite songs before heading out to college parties to break some hearts (and that we did.) We're a pair, always have and always will.
Kate and I are sisters from another mister. She's white but she's actually blacker then I am...ask her anything concerning about Tupac, Bone Thugs and Too Short and she'll be able to give you an answer. Every time we get together, whether it's working out or shopping for PINK sweats at Victoria Secret, we always get into trouble. The last time we were hanging out, I had to steer her car from the passenger seat while she changed her pants to sweats, because she felt like it. We had a really hard adjustment when I moved to Chicago since we had been inseparable for the past 3 years. She felt I deserted her and I felt guilty. Now that I'm back in town, we don't live as close to each other as we're used to but we're figuring it out. She's a necessary element in my life and I love her for it.
Anyway those are my friends....
p.s. did you notice how I'm always on the right in my pictures with China and always on the left in my pictures with Kate...crazy...