Je Meurs (I Die)....My Favorite 5 Things

#1.Jalapeno Poppers via Mucho Mucho Bueno Bueno

Like I said, anything with cream cheese is a God send.

#2. Random Frames via April Two Sixty

Too cute.

3. Hex Bracelet DIY via Honestly...WTF

Going to the store right now. Like right now. JE MEURS!!!!!

4.Skirts via Look Linger Love

I am a sucker for skirts and dresses. Hello SUMMER!

5. Ultra Feminine Decor via Parlour

I just finished my room but this may call for a re-do. No seriously.


I've decided to do an interactive post for Wednesdays. If you have a blog and want to show your "Je Meurs: My 5 Favorite Things", fill out the information below and leave a link to your blog or site. I'm soooo excited to see your lists!
